Learn How To Make A Prototype In Multiple Ways

Once you know what your invention is and how it will work, the next step is to make a prototype! There are so many ways that you can do this, which way you choose will depend on the amount of time, effort and money you are willing to spend. Having a prototype is essential in the inventing process, its when your idea becomes a real world reality. Once you have a prototype people and potential businesses will take you seriously once they can see your product and know without a doubt that it works. In this article I am going to inform you in detail about common ways people create a prototype.

One common and free way to make a prototype is by using Google Sketch-up. This software is easily downloadable and allows you to make 3D models. Sketch-up is used for anything from architectural designs to designing video games. What is great about this free software is that it will only take a week or two before you can design complex models. How intricate your invention is will determine how much time you will have to spend learning the program. There are plenty of guides besides the free guide that comes with the software that will help you become a master. Being able to use software like this and create prototypes of your invention will phenomenally help you in the invention process.

Hardware Prototype Development

Another way to make prototypes is by using hand mold-able plastics. A common plastic called Polymorph can be melted in boiling water and then molded into any shape. You may want to make molds first and then add other materials in the mold to make shapes more accurately. There is a clay called Fimo, which is commonly made to make molds is cheap and easy to work with. You can find plenty of YouTube videos that will help you learn how to make great molds for your invention.

3D printing is an amazing way to make prototypes of your invention. If you don't know what a 3d printer is you should check them out because they are an invention that is going to have a huge impact in the coming years. A 3D printer can take designs and blueprints from the computer and make a physical 3d replica using various plastics and metals. In order to 3D print you need to be able to design your invention in a software that is compatible with 3D printers. Sketch-up, the software we talked about earlier is compatible, however based on your invention you may want to use a different software or hire a professional who owns a 3D printer. There are many places on the web where designers will make you a prototype. Some places with experienced designers will be able to make your design based of simple drawings on paper. Others will want you to have it already designed and in a 3D printer file. Ultimately, 3D printers are one of the best ways to make a prototype.

The next way you can make a prototype is by using parts of already existing products and visiting your local hardware store. This may not seem like a very fancy way to design something but it is cost effective and a lot of inventions were made this way. Things such as plastic pipes, wood and pieces of metal can be put together and adjusted to make your invention. Obviously if your invention is complex you should stick to methods such as 3D printing.

These are just some of the common ways to make a prototype of your invention. Having a prototype will allow you to either show your product to companies you think will be interested licensing to, so they can create and sell your product while giving you a revenue cut you happy with, or to help you find a manufacturer who is capable and trustworthy and will design your invention.

Creating a prototype for your invention is essential for success. There are multiple way to go about it with each having its own pros and cons.
