Three types of companies that start Re-engineering

According to Hammer and Champy, there are three types of company that undertake the BPR.

In the first place are the companies with serious subsistence problems, those in desperate situations where the continuity of economic activity is in danger.

Re-Engineering Services

Secondly, there are companies that are not yet in difficulties, but whose administrative systems make it possible to anticipate possible crises, so that problems are detected in advance.

Finally, the third type of companies that decide to submerge in the BPR are those that are in optimal conditions. They present no visible difficulties now or on the horizon, which is not contradictory to the fact that their administration has aspirations and the capacity to reach even higher.

As a summary of this classification of the companies Hammer and Champy emphasize that a good way to distinguish the main features of each of the three types of companies, depending on how they deal with Process Reengineering is the following: those in the first category are those who are in desperate situation, have hit a wall and are injured in the ground. Those in the second category continue to run at high speed but the light of their headlights allows them to see an obstacle that comes to them imminently. They are still in time to distinguish what kind of obstacle stands in their way and thus try to dodge it in time. Finally the companies of the third category went out for a walk clear and clear, without any obstacle in sight and decided that it was a perfect day to raise a wall that would prevent the passage to others who tried to follow in their footsteps.
