Electronics: Numeration and code systems

Introduction to Digital electronics,
The use of digital and numerical systems is in great use, wide application,... There is only to look around us, and in all applications,
The explosion of microelectronics and the complex architecture of systems.

An increasing number of machines (digital camera, car, washing machine, etc.) use digital electronics.
Until the microprocessor appeared, we found two major sectors in the field of digital systems.
This division has remained with the computer manufacturers where we still find:

• Hardware Department
 • Software or programming department (software)

The appearance of the microprocessor had the effect of diminishing the importance of the material and of causing a shift of the means of processing of circuits and signals to complex applications.

So we are increasingly faced with programs and electronic applications that surround the machine as closely as we could.

This forces programmers to get to know the hardware better and better (hardware, microcontrollers,....) to better  "paste " or develop the application with the program for electronic product development.

After reducing the market for wired logic, the microprocessor went on to conquer the low-frequency electronics.
 It has entered a large number of sectors (games, telecommunications, automatic, etc.).

The increase in integration possibilities (number of transistors per mm2, with technology 0.35 ยต m2 micron meter) leads to a new evolution.

Programmable logic circuits (CPLD, FPGA,...) become affordable and possible.
 The programming of small applications is replaced by wired logic in these programmable and complex circuits.

This evolution makes it possible to envisage an increase in the speed of processing of functions.

So far, the learning of logic has been done through the uncovering of the basic logical functions contained in the integrated circuits of the 74xxx families, of which we can see some types in Figure 1,

The experiments were limited to the functions proposed by the manufacturers of these circuits.
The design of logical functions involving several of these circuits required a consequent cabling, and the production of a large-area printed circuit.


The experiments were limited to the functions proposed by the manufacturers of these circuits.

The design of logical functions combining several of these electronic circuits necessitated a consequent cabling, the development and the realization of a large surface printed circuit.

The appearance of programmable logic devices (PLD), CPLD (PLD complex, fig 2)


Field programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Figure 1-2, Page 3
 has made it possible to overcome this limitation. In fact, the user can create, in these circuits, all the logical functions that he wishes with only limitations, the place available in the chosen circuit and/or the speed of operation of it.

The current size of these circuits allows the integration of a complete processor system.

In English, the abbreviation is SoPC (SOC System on Chip programmable).
The development tools made available to the users must therefore allow to move from the description of the behavior of a logical function to its wiring in the circuit and that in the simplest possible way.

At the beginning of the years 90, the description of the behavior of logical functions was made by the use of "Hardware description" language.

Among these, one can quote:
The first generation of these languages allowed descriptions at the logical level.
There were two languages:

• The CUPL used in the years 1980 to 1994.

• The ABEL (Advanced Boolean Equation language) language used in the years 1990 to 1998 this language was created by the company DATA I/O and used or imitated by almost all developers of development tools for this type of circuit (XABEL for XILINX, AHDL for Altera, PLD for OrCAD, XPLA for PHILIPS, etc...)
This language is no longer being used.

The increase in the complexity of programmable circuits has required language permitting higher-level (behavioral) descriptions.

Two languages appeared at the beginning of the years 1990 for the design of ASIC circuits (specialized integrated circuit).
 They imposed themselves from the middle 1995 for programmable logic circuits. This is:

• The VHDL (Very High Speed integrated Circuit, Hardware Description language) language that has been created for the development of complex logical integrated circuits.
 It owes its success, essentially, to its standardization under the reference IEEE-107
