The Mechanical Designing is used in the representation of parts or parts of machines, machinery vehicles such  as cranes and motorcycles, airplanes, helicopters and industrial machines. The planes that represent a simple mechanism or a machine formed by a set of pieces. they are called assembly plans; and those that represent a single element, plan of pieces. Those that represent a set of pieces with the graphic indications for their placement , and assemble a whole, are called assembly plans.

Mechanical Designing

In the commercial field, where the practical application of engineering drawings takes the form of working drawings, it is important to take into account a wide knowledge of the elements of machines, their manufacture and the graphic representation of each of them . It will always be necessary, that the parts or elements that assemble a machine can be easily shown to the manufacturer and the consumer, and be able to show clearly each of its essential characteristics and the rules to follow for the manufacture of each element. 

mechanical designing
Engineers, mechanics and draughtsmen should be familiar with all types of machine elements. In the field of engineering and design, there are different types of machine elements which are allowed to join each of them to obtain a set of parts organized ready to be assembled and ready to perform the expected mechanical operation.  

In this case, the different clamping elements will be studied, as well as we will study their use and correct representation methods and each of their standardized and standardized tables of the elements such as the bolt, the bolt, the keys and the chiveteros, pins, and we will also study the tables of the washers which is an assurance device.
