It's about identifying all value- creating steps by eliminating activities that do not create value .


There is really no agile practice that specifically implements this goal. That said, all Extreme-Programming practices implement the Simplicity value , which consists in maximizing the work not to do .

So, we practice the Value Stream Mapping of Lean. Serial and parallel activities are identified. Average times per shift are measured to reveal constraints and measure a typical pace. We also noticed that this mapping is appreciated by newcomers to the project. Mapping allows us to visualize how we proceed to transform operational software requirements.


When you practice Value Stream Mapping, you have to learn how to identify waste . These are practices that do not create value.

embedded software development
For example, in our industry, developers are terrified by the risk that the software will not fit on the embedded card due to overhead computing or memory usage. So, many in our industry optimize their code prematurely. This optimization is driven by fear and not by facts. This is a source of waste: it is possible that the code is sufficiently powerful! The effort devoted to optimization is then lost. In addition, the code has become more complex. That's why our practice is not to optimize the code prematurely.

However, we must monitor performance early and often. The code is then optimized as needed and in a targeted way based on concrete information. Indeed,it is easier to speed up a correct code than to correct a quick code . Decision making is facilitated by automating performance measurement and code profiling.

Nevertheless, this practice does not prevent the code from being prematurely optimized. That's one more reason we practice Pair Programming . The browser must discourage the pilot from optimizing the code prematurely.
