How to know if the surgical block is efficient

Operating room planning standards: number of interventions and annual operating hours to be achieved.
At the time of studying the efficiency of a surgical block, there are different types of indicators. However, among them, there are two that are key:
·       Number of interventions per operating room: indicates the degree of utilization of the installed capacity. Logically this indicator is subject to a certain variability between centers, since it is conditioned by the greater or lesser complexity of the surgical interventions (and, therefore, the duration of said interventions). For this reason, this macro efficiency analysis is usually accompanied by the percentage of outpatient surgeries.
·      Number of annual opening hours: a poorly monitored indicator in hospitals.

Recommended standards
At the international level, a series of recommended standards have been established, specifically on the mentioned criteria: operations by operating room and opening hours. They are the following:
In Spain:
·       The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain does not have a maximum capacity established, but it does propose a recommendation of opening 47 hours per week.
In France:
·       The Ministry of Health and Social Services of France establishes a capacity of maximum opening of operating rooms of 54 hours per week and an objective of using 1,000 interventions per operating theater and year.

In the United States there is independent regulation in each state, although some coincide. The optimum utilization capacity is set according to the following criteria:
·       or about 1,000 (range of 900 to 1,100) interventions per operating room and year
·       or about 2,200 hours of operation year: operating hours: 5 days per week, 45-50 weeks per year (225 to 250 days / year); 9 to 10 hours per day; 80% occupancy)
·       The actual mean of interventions per operating room is 765 patients / year
·       To authorize a new surgical room, a minimum of 800 surgeries per operating room per year must be demonstrated.

In this sense, we could say that the optimal level of use should be between 900 and 1,000 interventions per operating room and year.
Currently the percentage of ambulatory surgery of a surgical block should be around 50% of surgeries. Since outpatient surgeries are less complex and of shorter duration, if the percentage of outpatient surgery is greater, the average number of operations per operating room may be higher. Thus, in the extreme, an operating room with 100% outpatient surgery should reach 1,100-1,200 surgeries per year. And vice versa: an operating room with patients requiring hospitalization will be placed in about 800-900 interventions per year.

Sensitivity scenarios
Based on these standards, it is necessary to carry out scenarios of sensitivity of the number of operating theaters according to the situation of each center and according to the opening hours. The sensitivity analysis can be based on the hours of operation, and two criteria can be set:
·       Optimal planning: considers all the elements that affect the ability to perform and attend a surgical intervention (availability of beds in hospitalization, ICU and OER, availability of specific equipment for the intervention, availability of medical personnel, anesthesia, nursing and support with the necessary competences ...), besides that the surgical activity or typology of the interventions can vary more than the predicted projections. See more: medical product development

·       Optimal use: it measures the necessary times to perform the maximum number of possible interventions in an operating room (estimated time of intervention duration, induction times and awakening of anesthesia, and cleaning and preparation times between interventions).
Therefore, although the installed capacity of an operating room allows a certain degree of utilization, it is necessary to plan to a lesser degree to ensure that the surgical support units absorb the necessary surgical activity. The optimal degree of planning also allows for growth capacity in the future.
