Prototype Motherboard 8 bits

We present the 1088 XEL computer, which uses the five LSI chips of a standard Atari computer but recreated in the Mini-ITX format (17x17 cms).

The hardware takes its name from the amount of memory that it integrates: to the original 64K of RAM the expansion of memory Ultimate 1MB of Lotharek is added , giving a total of 1088K of usable memory.

The project dates back to the beginning of this year, when Michael "Mytek Controls" St. Pierre started the discussion in the AtariAge forum about an alternative motherboard, with different devices and updates in a single package.

Hardware Prototype Development

To the original A8 chips (Sally, Antic, GTIA, PIA and Pokey) are added several improvements: XEL-CF -] [to read and write in flash memories; TK-II-STEREO, which combines the most popular upgrades of Pokey sound; as well as the MouseTari and JOY2PIC interfaces .

As another Atari computer, it has SIO, PCB and parallel ports for a disketera / cassette player, two joysticks and a cartridge. Aside, PS2 ports are observed to support compatible keyboard and mouse in the future.

"For all intents and purposes, it is still an 8-bit Atari" real "computer in terms of basic hardware (and not an FPGA implementation or emulation in a Raspberry Pi)," highlights St. Pierre.

The first prototype saw the light towards the end of March. Subsequently, St. Pierre gave permission to six other people to build their own versions of 1088 XEL, under the Do It Yourself mode .

One of those was Jonathan "flashjazzcat" Halliday, who contributed a special version of the U1MB BIOS to get the most out of the hardware. In addition, he recorded a series of videos from unboxing to the computer assembly.
