Littmann Stethoscope

The stethoscope is undoubtedly one of the most symbolic medical instruments of medicine and health professionals, as well as the hammer for the carpenter. It is the diagnostic tool in which doctors sustain their practice. Also known as stethoscope , acoustic device of remote origins, specifically used for the technique of auscultation of the thorax, abdomen and other cavities in the physical examination of the patient. It allows to listen to the sounds or noises produced by the functioning of the internal organs of the human body, if they know how to interpret they reveal the physical state of a person, since the diseases provoke a characteristic sonority.

1. Definition Of Stethoscope
Diagnostic instrument used in health science to examine the pathological sounds and noises of the human or animal body, during the technique of auscultation in the physical examination. Generally, heart sounds or breath sounds are heard, but also intestinal noises or murmurs due to abnormal blood flow.

2. History Of The Stethoscope

The physical examination was considered an art of medicine by Hippocratic physicians, who in their time studied the patient based on inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation of the body.
This last technique was difficult in its elaboration because the explorer basically supported one of his ears on the chest and abdomen of his patients, feeling uncomfortable with the hairs of the chest, the clothing, the sweat, the environmental noise and the proximity to the woman's breasts. 
These factors prompted the invention of the stethoscope , as a need for improvement in this technique. 

Auscultation consists in listening to the sounds and noises produced by the body in states of health and illness, due to this they investigated through the senses the differences of healthy and sick, finding characteristic sounds and alterations in the organic functioning of each patient in particular. Details: Medical product Designing.

The creation of the stethoscope is related to the French physician René Teofilo Laënnec, of whom there are 3 versions of the manufacture of the precursor instrument, of what is today the modern stethoscope. René Laënnec (1781-1826) was considered one of the great doctors of his time, his importance lies in the idea of ​​inventing the stethoscope in 1816.

To. Woman With Obesity
In 1816, I consulted Laënnec a woman who had symptoms of heart disease, and that due to obesity could not get conclusions by palpation and percussion. The doctor recalled the
known acoustic phenomenon : if the ear is located at the end of a beam, the blows can be heard at the other end. It was then that I take a paper notebook and roll it up, and place one end on the woman's chest, and her ear on the other. Being amazed at the greater clarity and integrity of the sounds.
B. Child's Play
Laënnec took a walk when she met two children playing with a log, where one hit one end, and the other listened to the blows from the opposite end. He took a wooden stem and took it to the carpenter, who asked him to turn it into a 30 cm long cylinder. 
C. The Shame
This doctor was shy and embarrassed to put his ear to the chest of young women. So he thought of a remedy not to touch his ear with patients.
