Image processing with digital signal processing

Image processing is now used in almost all scientific and engineering disciplines, such as in modern microscopy, medical diagnostics, astronomy, mechanical engineering and in remote sensing (environmental observation, espionage). With image processing methods, objects are counted, measured, objects inspected or coded information read in machines. X-ray and ultrasound machines provide images with image processing that the doctor can easily interpret. X-ray devices in security zones automatically inspect luggage and clothing for dangerous objects (weapons, etc.). Another field is quality assurance in manufacturing and production processes.

Inspection and Measurement of Objects 
Measurement of Chips in Semiconductor Manufacturing: For example, the position of the corner of a chip in an image is measured. With this information, this chip can be precisely positioned for placement. During the final chip inspection, soldering and bonding errors are detected by moving a chip in front of the camera and comparing it to a golden sample previously learned by the image processing system. Or it is searched for clearly defined geometric patterns (circle, corner), for cracks or outbreaks.

Image processing in a beverage bottling plant: In order to check whether the same amount was filled in each bottle, an image of the bottleneck is taken and the liquid edge is measured. Before filling, it is checked whether the bottleneck has cracks or chips.

Measurement of adhesive in micromechanics: In the manufacture of camera modules for mobile phones, adhesive is applied to the lens holder. In order to ensure a uniform quality of production, the shape of this adhesive is examined in a picture. If the adhesive application is not within certain tolerances, the component is eliminated.

Reading Coded Information 
By means of image processing, information encoded from images can be automatically read out. For example, a text encoded in DataMatrix form can be read out or information extracted by OCR as plaintext. These functions are also used in the letter and package identification.

In automotive production, serial numbers of components are encoded in DataMatrix form. When an assembly reaches a manufacturing area, a picture of the code is taken with a camera and the code is read out. With this serial number, machines from the manufacturing area receive information from a server on how to handle the assembly.

Objects of image processing 
Image processing methods generally expect image data as input. These image data can be distinguished both in the nature of their formation and in their coding . The type of formation describes the technical principle used to create the image. Most widespread are reflection images, such as those produced by a camera or ultrasound. In addition, there are projection images , such as x-rays, and schematized images , such as maps and documents. When coding is the raster graphicsthe most common form in which the image data is represented by a two-dimensional grid of pixels. Another form is vector graphics that do not consist of a raster but contain instructions on how to create an image from geometric primitives.

Demarcation related fields 
Related fields of image processing are image processing , machine vision and computer graphics . With image editing a more abstract point of view is given to the change of images while the image processing this is provided by the mathematical and algorithmic foundations, which then in the implementation of graphics software used for image processing. This also provides image processing for machine vision . While image processing from image data in turn generates image data or simple information, machine vision generates image descriptions from image data. The computer graphics in turn generates image data from image descriptions.

See more things related: digital signal processing
