Hardware development

hardware prototype development
We rely heavily on prototypes (which work). In today's interconnected world, it's important to quickly see devices in action and test if they are accepted by your customers. At the beginning of a project, technologies can be tested in new combinations or small-scale functions, and later integrated into a larger system (prototyping). Adjustment requests are detected quickly and can be integrated into the electronics or into the design. Extensive laboratory tests will identify and resolve potential problems. A first prototype often helps to conclude the sale with the client - it is better to show than to write and say. Thanks to the rapid prototyping procedures,

Product design
At Qibixx, a product is always designed with quality, energy efficiency and adaptability in mind. Conceptual design lays the foundation for the prototype, the electronic architecture and also the implementation in production. The results of the feasibility studies and pre-tests are integrated into the product requirements. An estimate of the amount of material, personnel and time that will be required is also defined.

Even in the modern era of software architectures, good, stable and optimized devices must be manufactured. Interfaces, power supply, connections, battery operation, radiation - that's where our experience comes from. The devices we develop are stable and durable. Significant milestones can be tested and exhibited with a prototype.

Case design
Does the form follow Function or Design Thinking? We cooperate with a prominent industrial designer (or with the customer's design team if that's what you want), because a good electronics without a good case is worth half the price. Products must not only be reliable, but must also be as small and attractive as possible. The haptics as well as the special requirements in terms of use and safety are also important. We design enclosures according to the client's corporate design.

Project management
Without good project management, nothing is possible. Our project managers are experienced and they ensure the link between the client, the different development groups and production and ensure that all plans are respected. We use Atlassian's modern project management software and our own test systems. Qibixx is ISO 9001: 2015 certified and has put in place effective processes to deliver high quality results. Thanks to close collaboration with the production manager, time-sensitive processes can be optimized and thus shortened. As we manage all the projects in Switzerland, we can integrate you step by step in the project and discuss your needs directly on site.

We have a vast know-how in production. Thanks to a close collaboration with our partners in production, we are able to define manufacturing processes and test sequences, to test and optimize them from the first prototypes. The manufacture of tools (tools) is ordered upstream due to delivery times. Adjustments, if any, are implemented in a simple and pragmatic way.
