Characteristics of Electronics Design Industry

Models keep changing very fast, as is envisioned by the rapid introduction of new models of mobile phones, TV and computers. The design engineers keep changing the designs and building in new parts in their prototypes. Some of these prototypes successfully reach the stages of commercial production and the designed parts then undergo major surge in their demand. It is because now these parts (samples) form part of the Bill of materials of the production run.

electronic product designer
electronic product designer

Typically, the design engineers procure the design parts (samples) on their own and do not involve the purchase departments. The vendors of electronic parts usually follow up with the design engineers and persuade them to use their products (samples) in their new designs. The design engineers, on their part, do not know the sources of supply of their requisite samples. And they often take the easy route of accepting first offered parts (these broadly meet their criteria) from those vendors who may have followed up with them during the design process. See more about: electronic product designer.

Focus of The Portal

A B2B portal was designed to meet the aforementioned needs of the design engineers. It was positioned as one-stop-shop for entire design engineers to get their samples and complete their design activity.

Background To The Assignment

A software services company had been in the business to meet the design sample requirements of the design engineers of this industry. The company, however, had run out of funds and was not able to sustain the desired level of service to the design engineers.

Requirements Analysis

This company was bought out and a major product upgrade was planned. The earlier product had used java technology so it was decided to use the same technology of higher version. The decision was taken in view of the preferred features of programming language and the associated operating system. Requirements to be changed were collated and listed during the regular operations. Further, pilot surveys were undertaken to cull out other requirement changes. The pilot surveys covered entire stake holders viz., the customers and every members of the supply chain including manufacturers and the dealers.

The Build Phase

The product was built in an outsourced environment i.e., developed in India and was deployed on the high-speed servers in the US. It was targeted to service, for the most part, the needs of the US based design engineers. A transition phase was meticulously planned and the existing data was migrated to the new system.

The Development Environment

The development environment consisted of two levels of servers - the development servers and the test servers. After the product was successfully tested, it was deployed on the pilot server where it was made open to testing by the sales staff and also by the manufacturer organization staff, especially those manufacturers whose change request would have been built into the product release. After the product passed through the pilot phase, it was deployed on the production servers and all the stakeholders (other than that of the design engineers) were sent the release notes.
