Medical Product Development Guide

The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has launched the Estim Track program, which informs family members in real time about the situation of the surgical patient and at the same time improves the daily management of the Surgical Area. With this program, a pioneer in Spain, the Clinic improves the quality of care for users, reducing the anxiety of family members during waiting times and increasing efficiency throughout the entire surgical process. Thanks to medical product development technology.

Health Products Development

The system is innovative for its design, based on the use of machine learning techniques ("machine learning") and the use of historical data, which allow to predict the duration of each type of intervention. It also implies an evolution in the work model, since it is oriented towards the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the entire chain of personnel involved in the process.

How does it work?

During the reception of the patient by the nurse, at the beginning of the surgical process, the family members receive a sheet with the tracking number that Estim Track assigns to the patient (maintaining the anonymity of the data at all times) and receive an explanation about the information that will appear on the screens located in the waiting area.

The screens, of clear and simple design, show animated icons to illustrate the different phases of the process, the duration of each phase and the door number where the surgeon will inform the relatives. "The fact of having this information," says Dr. Jaume Balust, Section Chief of Anesthesiology at the Clinic and one of the creators of the program: "significantly reduces the anxiety of family members, knowing at all times what process phase meets the patient.”

At the same time, internally, Estim Track advances a predicted estimate of the duration of each of the surgical interventions. From the program's touch tablets installed in the 14 operating rooms and in the Post-Anesthesia Recovery Unit (URPA), tasks for auxiliary personnel (stretchers, cleaning) can be created and data can also be sent in Real time that will be shown to family members on the information screens. The program improves the efficiency in the management of the flow of surgical patients: it allows to mark delays or reductions in the duration of the interventions, to verify the status of the PACU occupation, to warn about the insufficient or excessive use of the operating rooms, etc. “Declares Dr. Lina Manasanch, Manager of the Surgical Area. 

The origin

The Estim Track program is the result of the collaboration between the Hospital Clinic and the Catalan start-up Estim Track, created by doctors and hospital engineers trained at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). It was born within the framework of the process management improvement project in the Surgical Area that follows the Lean model and has been successfully implemented thanks to the close collaboration of the Surgical Area with the Information Systems Department and with Infrastructure Management.
